TB restricted herds in Northern Ireland by county
Data shown in the above graph was extracted from Reference 1.
The above graph shows the percentage of herds which are restricted when the number of herds which contained at least one reactor during the year is divided by the total number of herds tested during the year. In Northern Ireland each herd is scheduled to be tested at least once each year so in theory the number of herds tested should equal the total number of herds which exist. In practice this not always the case as can be seen in Fig 113 below which shows the number of herds tested. In 2001 Foot and Mouth occurred. In this year and in the two years followed, this number does not appear to equal the number of herds which existed. This should be borne in mind when examining these years in the above graph.
The same data is plotted in the above graph as in Fig 111 except that the data was smoothed.
In the above graph the total number of herds tested in each county and year are shown.